Thursday, October 17, 2013

Salad Guessing Game

I am not a salad eater. I really just don’t super love salads and especially not as a main meal. Don’t get me wrong, I eat one for lunch between 3 and 4 days a week. But I really just do it because it’s a quick thing to pack up and take to work and it’s always going to be healthy. I mean, unless you coat it in ranch dressing, which I don’t. But really, if I’m being honest, I’m more of a bacon girl! That said, I had plans for a quick and easy dinner of grilled chicken and a brussell sprout salad last week. Unfortunately it didn’t make it to my plate for dinner. However, before Josh and I ventured out for an entire day of drinking on Saturday, I decided it was probably a good idea to eat something healthy beforehand. It’s all about balance, right?

I Instagramed (is that a verb?) and Facebooked a pic of the fantastic and uber healthy salad on Saturday at which point my food friends started guessing what was in it! So friends, today I unveil my super simple but very healthy salad from Saturday. I know the suspense has been killing you and I’m very sorry for the long wait! But as my father told me anytime he handed me a bottle of ketchup as a kid, “Good things come to those who wait!”

Roasted hazelnuts have been my new
obsession,they are soooo yummy!
20 or so brussell sprouts
½ a 5oz box Olivia’s Organics Baby Kale, roughly chopped
1 ½ cup roasted hazelnuts
1/3 cup fresh shredded Parmesan

Juice of 2 lemons
1 Tbsp dried basil
Olive oil

I decided on this lemony dressing based on a drink I once had on a night out with Gregory, Jon, Marc and Pam. I omitted the tequila but hey, if you want some tequila in your salad dressing, MORE POWER TO YA!


Cut stems off brussell sprouts and put them in your food processor using the slice blade. Toss together thoroughly with the rest of the salad ingredients. For the dressing, put lemon juice and basil in a shaker or mixing bowl. Add olive oil, tasting as you go. You want the dressing to be acidic but not as thin as lemon juice is. I can’t tell you how much this is because it’s going to depend on the size of your lemons and also how acidic you can handle. But keep a bite, it helps with the cheese. When you've got the acidity right (remember, it just needs to taste good to you, there is no right or wrong answer here) add salt and pepper. Now toss a little bit in at a time until your salad is well coated, but not weighed down. You won't use all of the dressing, but the good news is you'll have some for another salad later! Toss a few extra hazelnuts on top for presentation and serve with just about anything you like.

*Advice from a salad professional* My friend Becca makes legit the best salads in the world! They are maybe my exception to the I Don’t Like Salad rule! And her advice is always mix in the dressing to the whole salad! Don’t put it on top per portion! And in my limited experience, she is right on the money! I listen to Becca, you should too!

Not only is this salad the ultimate of superfoods (kale, Brussels, nuts, paaaahlease!) but it will also keep your friends guessing if you post pictures of it on Facebook!

Enjoy and Salud!

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